"The Wizarding World of Harry Potter" at Universal's Islands of Adventure theme park will make the magical world of the famous book a reality for its legions of fans. “哈利波特的魔法世界”将在环球冒险群岛主题公园为哈利波特的拥趸们在现实中营造出这部名著中的魔法世界。
Boys find The GetWord(" Adventure"); of Tom Sawyer is an absorbing book. 男孩子们发现《汤姆。索耶历险记》是本吸引人的书。
Oh, we back adventure, the book was great rejoicing. 哦,我们探险回来了,书中一片欢腾。
But the fantasy adventure is revealed to possibly have been a fabrication by the narrator in the last pages of the book, with the real story emerging of a horrific tale of cannibalism and murder. 但读到书的最后几页,“真相”会大白,这一奇幻历险的故事可能是叙述者虚构出来的。真实的故事源于一个有关同类相食和残杀的可怕传说。